

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dragon Age 2..18+ hours in, a random partical review

So I just started "Act 3" in Dragon Age 2, I will try not to spoil it for anyone.

So I am loving this game way more the the first one, most so with the story. But everything is better in this one as compare to the first game. Expect I liked the skill build for the warrior class in the first one over the second one. There were more passive skills and less active ones..A warrior doesn't need like 8 skills, warrior just need to "Smash one person", "Smash group", that's it...Gamer makers need to stop trying to make warrior complicated, if you want a complicated class try a rogue..or a mge...

My biggest problem with the first one is that they tried to do to much..I mean a 30$ DLC..really..? Couldn't of you just incorporated it into the game, or just done less DLC over all.  I just think they were trying to add so much and do so much it bogged the game down.  Mostly you got all the DLC dungeons at the beginning, so you go of to explore those, then either you forget where to go next or you are so over powered nothing is a challenge...Now the DLC I did play was, "Darkspawn Chronicles", "Leliana's Song", "Return to Ostagar", then I went back to the main story, and was so over powered in Redcliff..after Red Cliff I went back to the Mages circle for a quest, then I remembered how much I hated the Fade the first time I went around, so that combined with my over powered caused me to put it down.

Final Fantasy 12 suffered from this as well, so many side quests you lost track of the main story, you do hunting or whatever kind of side quests, and 10hrs later your like.."wait what the hell was going on.?" Then you get pissed or have to go read a spioler faqs to remind your self where you are.

Now 2 in my opinion avoided this issue by having lots of small rapid side quests, so you could do like 4 and still remember what was going on, plus some side quests interacted with the mains story later. Also all the extra starting equipment, only made you over powered in the First Act by then the awesome gear wasn't so awesome, expect like a belt or something, so it helped with not being over powered.

I am aslo happy at Bioware for making 2 it's own game, but if you beat Origins you had a deeper idea of what was going on, they even made a gold trophy if you beat 2 twice or beat Origins and 2, which made me chuckle.

Anyway I am excited to see how this game ends, and I will probably play through it again, because it seems long but not to damn long..unless there is an act 4..>.>

I hope Dragon Age 2 does great and the make a 3..there is so much they could do with the universe they made

Also I have been listen to a Metal Version of The Song of Storms from Ocarina of time while writing this, check it out here: Song of Storms; Metal Cover

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